Tuesday, March 18, 2014

There's An App For That?


How many times have you gone to the movies, bought the half-gallon of pop and popcorn special, sat through a zillion previews, only to have to run to the restroom and perhaps miss the best part of what you actually paid to see? (Or worse, suffer through it while deciding when it might be "safe" to leave?)

Well, worry no more.  I was surfing through the morning shows and caught a "Today" show segment where they were voting on their favorite apps.  Matt Lauer talked about runpee.com and I decided to check it out for you.  It was well liked by audience members tweeting in as well and won the popular vote.

Though not free, it could be the best 99 cents you will spend, considering the price of a movie ticket (and um, that pop...which is like, what,  $5 a cup?)  The folks at runpee.com watch and time all the movies in current release, then report when there will be a "slow" segment and how long that will last, so you won't miss anything important or funny or whatever.  The best part is that you can have them text you (on vibrate, please!) at the right time to leave and tell you how long you have.

Other features include popular review sites and the opportunity for you to review it to their site or facebook, movie schedules and sites to pre-order tickets.  It will also tell you if there are out-takes before, during or after the credits.  Best of all, it looks pretty simple to use.

There is a brief, 5 slide show at their site describing all they do.  They have apps for all the popular devices and I suggest you check it out.  I think I will spend the buck and join!

See you at the movies (or you-know-where!)


1 comment:

  1. Ok and when people consider this app important they better take a look at their life. :)
    Cher Sunray Gardens
    Goldenray Yorkies


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